Sunday, August 28, 2011

Meat and Potatoes Rule!

Because I doubt many would read a title like "My New Vegan Diet." Because Vegan is a scary concept.
No animal products. I allow honey. Honey is amazing.

I've switched to a mainly vegan diet. I say "mainly," because cold turkey is just to rough for me. I love cheese and fish too much to say "no" all the time. But in this period of transition I've been learning much about myself and that vegan lifestyle. Just to name a few...
1. It's easier to say "no" when you have the option of saying "yes." 
2. Don't substitute, go without, or indulge. Otherwise you (I, at least) have strong cravings and tend to screw up healthy eating anyways.
3. Vegan does not mean healthy! See breakfast below :)
4. Raw, organic, vegan protein shakes expand, both in your stomach and in the shake glass, turning into a revolting, vile, polly-juice-potion-like glop if you do not chug them. Fast. They're also a pain to clean up when you spill them all over the kitchen.
5. The body feels lighter and more energetic when adopting a vegan diet.
6. The need to be mindful of each thing you put in your body cultivates a mind that is focused on mindful living. In other words, what we do in one aspect of our lives transfers to broader areas of our lives.
7. Once you start setting those boundaries, it gets easier and easier to make the right decision, and even when you get off track, it's no biggie to hop back on without feeling guilt. (Not feeling guilt? Weird concept.)
8. Breakfast, my favorite meal of the day, has been improved. And since one of my dearest friends who is also vegan is sleeping in my living room right now...what a fantastic excuse to indulge in a yummy breakfast! Easy too!

Quinoa and Peaches for a Sunday Morning Sleepover
2 generous servings
Step One:
1/2 cup Quinoa
1 cup water
pinch of salt

Rinse Quinoa, because it can have sand in it, and place in sauce pan with water and salt. Cook over medium heat until most of the water is cooked in. Then turn off the heat, lid the pan, and let the residual heat and resting help the grain to absorb the remaining water. Set aside.
Step 2:
1/2 cup vanilla soy milk
1/4 peach, chopped
1/2 tsp cinnamon
pinch of nutmeg

Combine ingredients in small saucepan and slowly bring to a simmer, allowing the peaches to cook a bit. 
Turn off heat, lid pan, but leave on the burner to rest.
Step 3:
2 Tb margarine
2 tb brown sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 peach cut into 1/4 inch thick slices

Melt margarine, add brown sugar and cinnamon. Bring to a simmer over medium heat for about 2 minutes until it starts to get really caramel-ee and then add the peaches. Sauté in caramel mixture until peaches are cooked through. Be careful not to burn the sugar or be burned by the sugar. Both are not good! 
Serve the quinoa in a bowl, top with soy milk/peach mixture, and garnish with glazed peaches. Omg. 

1 comment:

  1. I can say first hand that this was DELICIOUS!!! Such a good breakfast!!!
