Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Call me crazy...many would agree ;)

I'm going to eliminate gluten, sugar, dairy and alcohol from my diet for a month. Which sounds extreme, but should be fairly easy. Just say "no!"

Why? Well, all four of those things are technically bad for the body, unnatural for our systems to process. So I want to know what would happen if I eliminated them for a month. I'll be able to eat fruits, vegetables, meats, legumes, nuts, wild rice, sweet potatoes (they're not quite a vegetable or starch in my mind), quinoa, eggs, oatmeal...I think that's actually about it. In the past I've gone a week or so without one of those things, but never for as long as a month. But it'll only be hard if I look at the negatives. The positives are awesome: I should have more energy, be more focused, sleep better, might even lose weight? Woot! (And for those who think this is a ploy to lose weight or something...it's not. Avocados are fairly high calorie ;) I just want to see what my body does!

So I'll be trying to fill this blog with recipes of fun things to try that fit the guidelines. It starts tomorrow and runs through the month of May. My goal is 35 days of self-discipline. I'm strong, I can do it ;) Cheer me on!


  1. sooooo.....hows it going?

  2. I always feel really tired for the first week and a half of elimination. And i get withdrawal headaches from cutting sugar...but after that I usually start feeling better :)
