Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Portabello Burgers!

These burgers are anything but portable. (Ba-dum-ksh!) Seriously, bad puns aside, these delicious mounds of yum make a mess that you're only too happy to lick off the plate and your fingers. I made these weeks ago when a dear friend came for a visit! We picked up freshly baked rolls from the grocery store, sought out the juiciest mushroom caps we could find, and whipped up this amazingly filling lunch!
These burgers are made in several parts, and then it all comes together in the end. So bear with me, and it'll all make sense! You'll need:
-Portabello Caps
-Feta Cheese
-Yellow Onion
-Red Pepper
-Olive Oil

FIRST: To make the feta cheese spread: Put cheese, couple handfuls of spinach, a couple of cloves of garlic, and a good swoosh or two of olive oil into a food processor. Blend. Keep adding spinach and olive oil until the green stuff inside has reached a color and texture and taste to your liking. If you feel motivated, throw in some cracked black pepper, basil, and maybe even a splash of balsamic vinegar. Taste liberally and have fun; you can't mess it up. 

SECOND: To make the peppers and onions: Slice the peppers and onions into long strips and thin half-moons respectively. Over medium-high heat, warm up some olive oil, and then throw in the peppers. About the time they start looking transparent, add the peppers. Sauté the peppers and onions until the onions are caramelized and brown, and the peppers are soft. Turn off the heat and put a lid on the pan to hold them until you're ready to eat. 

THIRD: To cook the shrooms: Make sure most of the dirt is brushed off and place portabellos on baking sheet so they make little domes. Then imagine yourself as an itty-bitty ant climbing those massive domes, and how crazy that would be. Next, drizzle the domes with olive oil and try not to imagine how awful it would be to be that little ant getting clobbered by a torrent of olive oil. Put them under the broiler until the domes begin to sizzle and brown. Then pull them out and flip them over, belly up, and drizzle with a teensy bit more olive oil. Broil them until the mushrooms become soft, and bubbly (the juices kinda well up and get happy). Pull 'em out and let them sit on the stove top while you....

LAST STEP: Broil the buns! That's just fun to say. Halve the rolls, and toast them under the broiler. Don't turn away for a second. 

Assembly (bottom to top):
 Bun, Cheese Spread, Mushroom, Slice of tomato, Onions and Peppers, Slices of Avocado, Cheese Spread, Bun.
TO die for. (This blog is not responsible for any deaths, please enjoy responsibly.)

1 comment:

  1. I could LIVE on these!!! Portabella burgers are the best!
