Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Full Circle

My goal for tomorrow: to have a pure, unprocessed day.
Also, to feel good about myself.
Life is beautiful. Things happen for a reason. Savor every moment. Laugh at the little stuff. See beyond the now. Breathe.

Right. I know. I preach these things to my clients because that's what massage therapists do. But today I had a dumb day. Dumb day of everything from bad food to political conversations that mean nothing, to coming home to a mess of fishy garbage the dog and cat got into.

Remember how you are what you eat? I ate lots of junk today. While I love to cook with cream, egg yolks, butter, sugar, and bread, consuming these things usually comes with a home-made goodness about them. They are pure, unprocessed, and the creation and consumption thereof is also pure. But today I ate crap from Starbucks, binged when I got home because I didn't eat to fit my blood sugar needs, and finished off with pizza, bread, and tiramisu. Bleah. At least I didn't drink. For all the toxins I put in my body today, I'll be lucky if I can get out of bed in the morning, let alone run.

Why am I venting to cyber space? It's cathartic. And it reminds me of something important: the way we treat ourselves decides how we feel about ourselves. Not the other way around. If my diet is good, and I get out of bed to work out, and accomplish a fair amount in a day, I feel 10 pounds lighter and 10 times more confident. But when I disrespect my body and choose the wrong stuff to put into it, the opposite is true.

The lesson I remembered today was this: What you put in, is what comes out. You are what you eat. Hey, that should be the title of a blog. That'd be awesome! ...hehe. Good night.

1 comment:

  1. I KNOW that feeling!! I've been PMSing SO badly and all I want to eat is muffins, pasta, cupcakes and ice cream sundaes! SO AWFUL. And I've felt like poooooop. WAY to many sweets. Argh. Learning that good food will actually make you feel better seems to be one of the most unhappy lessons....
